Movie Ratings & Reviews

Movie Ratings & Reviews

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  • You can Participate in Pre Movie Release Poll For Upcoming Movies. Its just a Vote whether you are planing to watch the upcoming Movies or Not. You will get 10 Reward Points for Each in Participate in Pre Movie Release Poll.
  • Give the rating for all running movies and get 20 Reward Points for each movie.
  • Post the review for movie and get 100 Reward Points for each movie.
  • When you are writing the review for movie please be serious for wahtever you are writing.You need to give a reason for like or dislike the movie. you can write about the characters of the movie like actor, actress and any particlular scene and you can also write about what you have heard about the movie from your circle. Please don't write the abuse while writing the review or don't post the junk data because it may cause suspension of your account. (If your review will get selected as best review for that movie than you will Get 1000 reward points as bonus).

Tips for Writing Best Movie Reviews -

  • We recommend you to post your true advise about the movie. If don't like a movie then please provide the strong reason which you find in the movie, Even If you think that it happens.
  • If you personally don't like the actor or actress or any other characters of the movie then please avoid to write about them in your reason, write overall performance of the movie.
  • Please avoid what other thinks about the movie, write your opinion of the movie for others.
  • Post the review just for your entertaining experience and for people reading it. We need your honest opinions without harming the sentiments of website.

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